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Design resources

Design resources

Do you want to be a design rockstar? You are in right place. Today I am sharing with you the treasure of design resources.


  1. Streamline-

  2. Feather-

  3. Iconscout-

  4. Iconfinder-

  5. Remix Icon-

  6. The Noun Project-

  7. Icons8-

  8. Google Fonts-

  9. Iconset-

  10. Eva Icons-


  1. Streamline-

  2. Illlustrations-

  3. Open Doodles-

  4. Get Illustrations-

  5. Draw Kit-

  6. 3D Icons-

  7. UnDraw-

  8. Many Pixels-

  9. Icons8-

  10. Humaaan-

Learn Design

  1. Webflow-

  2. Checklist Design-

  3. Laws of UX-

  4. Growth Design-

  5. Apple-

  6. Humane by Design-

  7. Material Design-

  8. Invision-

  9. Case Study Club-

  10. Nielsen Norman Group-


  1. Dribbble-

  2. Muzli-

  3. Mobbin-

  4. Behance-

  5. Awwwards-

  6. Lapa Ninja-

  7. Best Folio-

  8. Pttrns-

  9. UI Sources-

  10. Designer Hunt-


  1. Happy Hues-

  2. Duo-

  3. Adobe Color-

  4. Khroma-

  5. Color Hunt-

  6. Colorsinspo-

  7. Coolors-

  8. Eva Design System-

  9. Pigment-

  10. Color Claim-

Design Systems

  1. Carbon Design System-

  2. Adobe design system-

  3. Evergreen-

  4. Material Design-

  5. Apple Design System-

  6. Atlassian Design System-

  7. Primer-

  8. Marvel App-

  9. Shopify-

  10. Zendesk- garden.zendesk

Design Tools

  1. Figma-

  2. Adobe Xd-

  3. Sketch-

  4. Miro-

  5. Framer X-

  6. Lottie Files-

  7. Zeplin-

  8. Figma Jam-

  9. Adobe Illustrator-

  10. Adobe Photoshop-

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